PC28 uses the official results from the Canada BCLC as the basis for the draw results (Canada Big28 arranges these 20 numbers in order from Small to Big; the sum of the numbers in positions 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, and 17 will be taken, and the last digit of the sum value will be the first number drawn for Canada Big28. The sum of the numbers in positions 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 will be taken, and the last digit of the sum value will be the second number drawn for Canada Big28. The sum of the numbers in positions 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19 will be taken, and the last digit of the sum value will be the third number drawn for Canada Big28. The sum of these three numbers will be the final result for Canada Big28), and this method is used across all platforms. Wang Bo offers a permanent deposit and withdrawal group @wbvip, and the game navigation is available at @tikuan (pinyin for 'withdraw'). All event odds are based on the pinned announcements in the group, please stay updated. Relevant links: Official DrawAlternate Draw 1PC 13x Bull BullWu's Draw中文版Disclaimer: All data on this website is for reference only. By accessing the site, you agree to these terms. This site assumes no responsibility for any of your losses or legal liabilities!Disclaimer-8